popcornflix The Shining 1980 Google Docs Mp4

Year: 1980 / A novelist - Jack Torrance takes a job interview as winter caretaker of the isolated, old, huge and beautiful Overlook Hotel. Jack brings his wife - Wendy and his son Danny. It happens that Danny, has a mysterious power known as "The Shining". Danny meets Hallorann - the hotel cook in their first day arriving at the Overlook, who warns him about the hotel and the sinister Room 237. As the days go by, Danny has visions, meanwhile Jack starts driving into insanity, turning more and more aggressive, at the point that Danny and Wendy gets convinced that Jack might try to do something bad / Scores: 843485 Vote / / directors: Stanley Kubrick / genre: Horror



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I love the music for this movie. Even when nothing happens, the music rises, to let us know the hotel is always watching. The Torrance (Jack Nicholson) Wendy (Shelley Duvall) and their young son Danny (Danny Lloyd) go to take care of the Overlook Motel during the winter months when its closed.
As soon as everyone else leaves, Jack starts slowly descending into madness, and Danny starts seeing visions of dead twins. Danny also has an ability called "the shining" by cook Hallorann (Scatman Crothers) who also has the ability, which allows them to communicate without speaking.
As Jack delves into madness, he starts to hate his family, and soon leads him to try and kill them.
Based on a Stephen King novel and directed by one of the world's best directors (Stanley Kubrick. The Shining" is listed as one of the best horror movies ever made, with good reason. The movie freaks you out! From Kubrick's stunning directing to the camera (how it shows the characters in the background, making the hotel look like one large evil place) to the music, to the sounds (like when Danny is riding on his little bike through the motel, hearing it run across the wooden floors, tiles, and carpet) everything about this film is just spectacular. And no surprise since it came from perpetual perfectionist Kubrick.

White mans burden Lloyd, white mans burden.

I clicked yes but it said not allowed

Shining (the movie) never scared or creeped me out like the book. It's is a terrific psychological drama about loneliness, isolation, alcoholism and abuse, however. There's one big difference between book and movie, which takes away from the scariness: in Kubrick's version, Jack was crazy right from the start, whereas in King's novel, the evil influence of the hotel tips an unstable (but not yet crazy) man over the edge. This movie is a freaking classic.

Watch 'The Shining' 2020 Online HDQ

Watch The Shining Full Movie Online HD English Full Movie Download. Still better than Twilight. This movie is a brilliant acid trip of a movie! Sometimes you just need to go with the flow and accept its madness. I just love how comically inept Ghostface is, and how he seems to fumble his way into most of his kills.

For some reason I find is hilarious when Jack says are you out of your. mind? lmao.


Man Jack Nicholson will always be the coolest actor of all time. All work and no fun makes jack a dull boy. Oh shit,this was a good trailer. In fact I forgot it was supposed to be a horror until the end. The bartender played Dr. Eldon Tyrell in Bladerunner. “You believe his health may be at stake” 😂😂😂. Honestly I felt really sad when I saw him in the picture. The music in the film is really something, some of the best, the film is way more calculated then people think it is. Jack: And I'll blow your house in. Me: I think it's I'll axe your house in. The Full Movie Watch Online Free Streaming The Shining Online Free Megashare ONline STrEam The Shining, THe SHiniNg TV Hindi HBO 2020 WaTch Online.

Jack Nicholson gets to live on forever because of this scene. Had my English lit paper 2 the other day on Christmas Carol Q: How does dickens present fear of Ghost of Christmas Past in Scrooge? Thank you so much for the face mask, unable to see if a potential threat, think that may of boosted my essay to a 6 (what i need) as the Ghost hides it's face with a hood, i tend to watch videos like this on analysis as it acc helps me to expand vocabulary and knowledge - THANK YOU! Best Analytic Youtuber ever! x. Here's johnny- me: you better stay 6 feet back or you're going in the coffin. The captions are cut off on my TV. I can't understand anything.

When dad finds out his teen daughter got a boy in the bedroom. Why cant movies just not have a good ending.

Why do you wanna know my name? Cuz I wanna know who I'm looking at👀

Thats why todays movie suck, the Kubrick of our time dont have the balls to do that in todays climate. Jack: Youre a good bartender, Lloyd. Llyod: Thanks. Jack: I NEVER LAID A HAND ON HIM GODDAMN IT! Llyod. wut.



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